INGENIOUS - strengthenINg diGital pEdagogy skills aNd competencIes Of edUcators
Vocational education is a key element of lifelong learning systems, which equip citizens with knowledge, skills, and competencies. However, we are currently experiencing a unique state of affairs, in which students often have greater digital competence than some educators. The COVID-19 pandemic has made this gap strikingly apparent, with many excellent teachers struggling with technologies that young people are already familiar with. The whole educational procedure is forced to rapidly and drastically adapt to the new circumstances of delivering training from distance utilizing the vast wealth of digital educational tools.
INGENIOUS has the goal of not to leaveing the VET educators to face this problem on their own, supporting them in acquiring the digital skills needed to smoothly continue to provide their educational work. It will design, develop, and implement a structured training path on acquiring and strengthening digital skills with the VET educators as main target group.
INGENIOUS has the goal of not to leaveing the VET educators to face this problem on their own, supporting them in acquiring the digital skills needed to smoothly continue to provide their educational work. It will design, develop, and implement a structured training path on acquiring and strengthening digital skills with the VET educators as main target group.
Specifically, INGENIOUS aims to:
- Develop and distribute an assessment tool for VET educators’ digital competence.
- Design and implement the training path for the strengthening of VET educators’ digital skills.
- Study the current situation in the Green Economy sector and create a syllabus of Green Economy that will be used in the pilot testing, as well as the production of other didactic material.
- Develop the VOOC platform, integrate the learning content, and assure the platform quality.
- Train the trainers, who will be familiarized with the environment of the e-learning platform and will acquire basic skills on digital technologies, so when they go back to their home countries to be able to train their VET educators to utilize the VOOC platform, as well as to act as multiplier factors for the dissemination and sustainability of the project.
- Release the platform and implement the pilot testing to VET educators.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the whole project.